Recently, the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology has issued regulations on financial support for authors of international scientific articles, patents, and useful solutions with a support level of up to 150 million VND.

Accordingly, the author is a staff member or student of the Academy participating in scientific articles that have been published and posted in international journals/conferences in the WoS/Scopus database; Patents, inventions and technical advances, useful solutions will receive financial support from the Academy’s regular operating expenses.

Two groups of authors with scientific works are patents, inventions and technical advances recognized at the international level and scientific articles published in scientific journals in the top 5% of leading journals. The heads classified according to Scimago’s field group, industry/specialty and corresponding to the author’s field of expertise will receive a maximum support of 100 million VND/project.

Groups of authors whose scientific works are patents, inventions and technical advances recognized at the national level and whose scientific works are articles published in international journals in the WoS list / Scopus belonging to group Q1 will receive a maximum support of 50 million VND.

Groups of authors whose scientific works are articles published in international journals in the WoS/ Scopus category of group Q2 will receive a maximum support of 40 million VND.

Group of authors whose scientific works are useful solutions recognized at the national or international level or whose scientific works are articles published in international journals in the WoS/ Scopus list belong to the group Q3 will receive a maximum support of 30 million VND.

In addition, the Academy also provides other support levels of up to 5 million or more for articles not published in international journals in the WoS/ Scopus list that have been supported from other funding sources such as : topics, projects at all levels, from businesses…

Each group of authors is considered for support once per scientific work. Scientific works considered must have at least 01 author who is an officer of the Academy or a student of the Academy and clearly state this author’s address as the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, contact email with domain name. is

To serve the Academy’s international ranking orientation, the Academy’s Science, Technology and Innovation Development Strategy also sets out the goal of increasing the quantity and quality of scientific research works. and technology, especially international publications under the WoS/Scopus category. Strive for the average number of articles per total number of scientific staff/year to reach a ratio of 0.5 by 2025 and a ratio of 1.6 by 2030. One of the solutions proposed by the Academy is to encourage staff , lecturers strengthen scientific research through salary and income policies based on the results of scientific and technological activities; Timely reward officials and lecturers with international articles (ISI, Scopus) with the goal of being among the top 3 ICT universities in terms of number of international publications in Vietnam.

It is known that in recent years, with the attention of the Academy’s leaders, the number of international scientific articles of the Academy has continuously increased. Specifically, in 2021: The Academy has 176 international scientific articles, including 85 articles published in ISI/Scopus journals and 30 articles in the Q1 group. By 2023, the Academy has 212 articles. international scientific articles, including 100 articles published in ISI/Scopus journals and 24 articles in the Q1 group.