From May 11 – May 12, 2024, the Vietnam Gameverse 2024 event with the theme “Beyond the Game” will take place at Phu Tho Arena, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City, expected to attract 40,000 visitors. participants. During this important event, the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology will officially announce the University-level Game Design and Development program and sign a Memorandum of Cooperation Agreement with 5 businesses in the Game field.

Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology will sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with prominent Game Companies/Studios such as: VTC Games, Hiker Games, TopeBox, GameGeek, Negaxy Group, opening a new direction in the war. development strategy of both PTIT and partner businesses.

Through cooperation with businesses, PTIT gives Game majors the opportunity to study and practice at famous units and businesses in the Game industry. This activity shows PTIT’s determination to be a pioneering university in creating the future for learners, while contributing to enhancing the position of the Vietnamese Game industry.

With available internal resources and ambition to develop high-quality human resources for the Vietnamese Game industry in the future, strategic cooperation between Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology and Game Companies/Studios hopes to create many breakthrough values ​​for the Vietnamese game market.

In addition, the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology also participated in the Gameverse 2024 event program as a speaker in the discussion session on Solutions for training high-quality human resources for the Game industry along with other speakers. other speakers at the morning discussion session on May 11. Dr. Cao Minh Thang – Deputy Director of the Institute of Information and Communications Technology – speaker in the discussion session will share market research results on the current status and needs of Game human resources in Vietnam.

On the sidelines of important events of Gameverse 2024, PTIT also has a Game product introduction booth – a destination for guests to visit, exchange, and learn more about information about Game Design and Development program of Gameverse. PTIT; Explore educational games on VR glasses, simulate medical training with the SimVN model, explore the Dreamzone product – supporting disabled children of the CDIT Institute of Information and Communications Technology (PTIT) – product Entered the top 15 of Gamehub – Program for finding and investing in potential game projects and products.

It is expected that PTIT’s presence will contribute to the success of Gameverse 2024 and contribute to the development of the Vietnamese Game industry and community in the near future.