On March 6, 2024, the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology (Academy) announced the admission method for 2024. Accordingly, along with information on targets, majors, training programs, and recruitment methods, students, the Academy also announced a special scholarship policy for successful candidates in the 2024 full-time university entrance exam. The Academy will grant a maximum of 30 special scholarships, each worth up to 500 million VND for each excellent candidate who passes admission and enrolls in the Academy.

Subjects considered for special scholarships are candidates participating in the national team selection exam for the international Olympic competition, candidates winning first, second, and third prizes in the national exam to select excellent students in Mathematics and Physics. , Chemistry and Informatics; Candidates have a high school graduation exam score of 29.0 points or higher. In addition, the scholarship recipient must also ensure that their cumulative average score for consecutive school years is at least Excellent.

With this special scholarship, candidates will be exempted from full-time tuition, accommodation expenses, scientific research funds, internships abroad, support funds from partner businesses and other supports. other.

In addition, the Academy continues to maintain incentive scholarships with an average total scholarship value of about VND 8 billion/year for candidates with high achievements (winning excellent students at the international, national, and senior levels). Province/City directly under the Central Government) or achieved high results in the high school graduation exam but not enough to receive a special scholarship with 2 levels: level 1 100% exemption and level 2 50% tuition exemption in the first year of study .

In addition, the Academy has been cooperating with a network of many reputable domestic and foreign businesses such as: Samsung Vietnam, OCG, Nissan, Cowell… partner businesses always accompany the Academy in the process of encouraging , encouragement and academic support for excellent students. Along with providing valuable scholarship programs, businesses also have additional recruitment mechanisms and policies for excellent students. During their studies at the Academy, students have the opportunity to visit, practice, and learn about businesses; Meet and interact with employers, helping students understand the requirements of the labor market and corporate culture. Practical experience activities at businesses along with receiving scholarships from businesses also contribute to attracting good students to study at the Academy.

Attracting excellent candidates with a special scholarship policy is not only the right step for the Academy in implementing the training motto “Learner-centered”, aiming to train high-quality human resources to serve students. service for society. The Academy’s special scholarship policy also creates more opportunities and gives wings to dreams so that poor and disadvantaged candidates can continue to nurture career aspirations and confidently conquer new heights of knowledge.

In the 2024 regular university admission period, the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology enrolls 5,200 students at two training facilities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Along with that, the Academy plans to open and enroll new majors and training programs: Public Relations; Game design and development; Vietnam – Japan information technology..

For all information about regular university admission 2024, see:
