Recently, the Scholarship Review Council of the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology met and decided to grant study encouragement scholarships for the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year to long-term full-time university students of the Academy. Accordingly, there were 1,385 students of the Academy (including 1,110 students from the Hanoi Training Campus, 275 students from the Ho Chi Minh City Training Campus) received scholarships with a total value of nearly 17 billion VND.

At the training facility in Hanoi, 1,110 students were considered for scholarships with the highest scholarship level being 20,420,000 VND. Specifically: 109 students received Excellent scholarships, 746 students received Excellent scholarships, 255 students received Good scholarships. At the Ho Chi Minh City training facility, 275 students received scholarships, of which 67 students received excellent scholarships, 155 students received excellent scholarships and 53 students received good scholarships. . The highest scholarship level for students at the Academy is 21,420,000 VND. During this semester, the Academy applies 177 scholarship levels to 18 majors and generally throughout the Academy based on students’ learning and training results.

Comparing with the results of scholarship consideration for the second semester of the 2022 – 2023 school year, it can be seen that the number of students considered for scholarships increased by 40% (from 989 students to 1,385 students), in which the number of students considered for scholarships increased by 40%. Receiving excellent scholarships increased by 165% (from 556 students to 913 students), students receiving good scholarships increased by 173% (from 170 students to 295 students).

In addition to scholarships to encourage studying, every year the Academy fully implements tuition exemption and reduction policies and provides tuition compensation for students who are subject to the policy in accordance with State regulations. In the 2023-2024 school year, the Academy has exempted and reduced tuition fees (equivalent to 100%, 50% of tuition fees) for 625 students with an amount of nearly 4 billion VND, compensating nearly 3 billion VND in tuition fees for the difference between Tuition fees are at the level of public universities that are not financially autonomous and schools that are financially autonomous. The Academy has also supported study expenses for students in difficult circumstances to improve their studies.

Along with the scholarship policy to encourage learning and policy scholarships, in 2024, the Academy also has an attractive entrance scholarship policy to attract candidates with excellent academic achievements, in order to improve quality. train. Accordingly, the total value of the scholarship package for direct admission candidates and candidates with high achievements entering regular universities in the 2024 – 2025 school year is up to 30 billion VND. Specifically, the Academy will grant up to 30 special scholarships, each worth up to 500 million VND, for direct admission candidates and other candidates with excellent achievements. With this special scholarship, candidates will be exempted from full-time tuition, accommodation expenses, scientific research funds, internships abroad, support funds from partner businesses and other supports. other. Along with that, the school also continues to maintain 50 full scholarships, each worth up to 250 million VND for the entire training course, 100 scholarships with 100% tuition exemption for the first year and 300 scholarships. 50% tuition exemption for the first year.

Students with high achievements in studying and scientific research are also given special priority by the Academy such as financial support to participate in domestic and international competitions and international student exchanges. Currently, many Academy students have been and will be sent to participate in scientific research activities and academic exchanges in Australia, Japan, America, Canada, …

In the context of fierce competition in higher education, the Academy always takes the motto “Learner-centered” as a guideline for all training and educational activities, expanding scale must go along with improve quality and meet output standards for society. The Academy’s scholarship, study support and scientific research policies have been providing many good learning opportunities for students, helping students towards the value of global citizenship.